
Update vendor

POST https://www.talque.com/webhook/org/:orgId/vendor/update

This endpoint allows you to update vendor. Either the extId or the vendorId field must be present to identify which vendor to update. Apart from having to specify the ID (either internal or external), all other parameters are optional. Fields that are not included remain unchanged by the webhook call. The parameters marked with COMING SOON: are not yet implemented.

Request Body

    "reasonEnum": "UpdateVendorReason",
    "reason": "SUCCESS",
    "vendor": {
        "rating": null,
        "photoMedium": "/_ah/img/encoded_gs_file:cGhvdG8udGFscXVlLmNvbS92ZW5kb3IvY2NDOFFGTklPakhCRUI5YUczZ0ovMTYyNzMyMTEzNC5qcGc=",
        "instagram": "https://instagram.com/foo",
        "vendorId": "ccC8QFNIOjHBEB9aG3gJ",
        "isVipSpot": false,
        "photo": "/_ah/img/encoded_gs_file:cGhvdG8udGFscXVlLmNvbS92ZW5kb3IvY2NDOFFGTklPakhCRUI5YUczZ0ovMTYyNzMyMTEzNC5qcGc=",
        "twitter": "https://twitter/foo",
        "descriptionSource": {
            "DE_DE": "German new",
            "EN_US": "English new"
        "linkedin": "https://linkedin/foo",
        "isPublished": true,
        "vipAnswerRequired": false,
        "video": null,
        "booth": "3",
        "mtime": 1627321434073,
        "portfolio": {
            "items": [],
            "config": {
                "document": 0,
                "limit": 0
        "staff": [
        "city": "Newcity",
        "xing": "https://xing.de/foo",
        "name": "Newname",
        "vipQuestionSource": {},
        "admins": [
        "hall": "8",
        "buttons": [],
        "locale": "EN_US",
        "subjects": [],
        "backgroundImage": null,
        "marks": [],
        "vipCategories": [],
        "main": [],
        "email": "vendor@debug.foo",
        "vipSpots": [],
        "businessAreas": [],
        "website": "https://new.debug.foo/bar/baz.html",
        "isInLeadList": false,
        "vendor": "exhib",
        "description": "<div class='msg_div'>\n<p class='msg_p'>English new</p>\n</div>",
        "form": {
            "instagram": null,
            "photo": null,
            "twitter": null,
            "descriptionSource": {},
            "linkedin": null,
            "mtime": 0,
            "city": null,
            "xing": null,
            "backgroundImage": null,
            "editor": null,
            "email": null,
            "website": "",
            "citySource": {},
            "description": null,
            "zipCode": null,
            "phone": null,
            "facebook": null,
            "address": null,
            "name": null,
            "country": "",
            "countrySource": null,
            "nameSource": {}
        "portfolioSource": {
            "items": [],
            "config": {
                "document": 0,
                "limit": 0
        "customData": {
            "data": [
                    "type": "StringData",
                    "id": "iNzycByOV1bulbPt41kE",
                    "value": "Bamberg"
                    "vendorId": "K1F4CbMn49B3xJ1I3I3B",
                    "filename": "logo.eps",
                    "previewUrl": "http://path/to/preview.jpg",
                    "fileId": "YdvGQQr7nzq20b7jYVbM",
                    "type": "VendorFileData",
                    "id": "rZQCVQRxx2XUrq05ZCbs",
                    "tempFileId": null
                    "type": "IntegerData",
                    "id": "EjbS2j0lB4Rhikfptaxk",
                    "value": 99
        "quota": {
            "speakerFormCredits": 1,
            "directCall": false,
            "products": [],
            "dashboard": false,
            "markLimits": [],
            "leadList": {
                "profile": false,
                "portfolio": false,
                "gallery": false,
                "chat": false
        "zipCode": "54321",
        "phone": "555 555-5555",
        "facebook": "https://facebook/foo",
        "staffCanMeet": true,
        "vipQuestion": null,
        "address": "Newstr 20",
        "gallery": {
            "items": [],
            "config": {
                "limit": 0,
                "embed": 0,
                "video": 0,
                "image": 0
        "needsApproval": false,
        "isSelfSelect": true,
        "hasVipSpot": false,
        "ctime": 1627321134073,
        "country": "United States",
        "staffCanChat": true,
        "speakerFormCredits": 1,
        "citySource": {
            "EN_US": "Newcity"
        "isSpeakerFormInvitationSent": false,
        "ownRating": 42,
        "extId": null,
        "countrySource": "US",
        "perks": [],
        "isFormInvitationSent": false,
        "nameSource": {
            "EN_US": "Newname"
        "isLectureFormInvitationSent": false,
        "sponsor": "gold"
    "channel": {
        "notification": null,
        "messages": [
                "data": {
                    "orgId": "Y52ccThbN4RjsTLljTu5",
                    "vendorIdList": [
                "messageType": "VENDOR_CHANGE"
        "sender": {
            "sessionId": "ZjJD06EBHyZYdT9sYsBy",
            "accountId": "lhSAV55zl23Wr07aWDmh"
        "sortKey": "1wD9B8k8iOQ",
        "time": 1627321134269
    "success": true

Example Request

  "address": "Newstr 20",
  "admins": [
  "booth": "3",
  "city": {
    "EN_US": "Newcity"
  "country": "US",
  "description": {
    "DE_DE": "German new",
    "EN_US": "English new"
  "email": "vendor@debug.foo",
  "facebook": "https://facebook/foo",
  "hall": "8",
  "instagram": "https://instagram.com/foo",
  "linkedin": "https://linkedin/foo",
  "name": {
    "EN_US": "Newname"
  "phone": "555 555-5555",
  "photo": "MiuWhICsJxcCOiSsVTJL",
  "sponsor": "gold",
  "twitter": "https://twitter/foo",
  "vendor": "exhib",
  "vendorId": "ccC8QFNIOjHBEB9aG3gJ",
  "website": "https://new.debug.foo/bar/baz.html",
  "xing": "https://xing.de/foo",
  "zipCode": "54321"

Last updated