
The organization is the entity corresponding to an entire trade fair or conference. It contains a number of lectures and speakers. The organization is uniquely identified by a single identifier, its orgId

Organization Data

            "DE_DE":"Long description of founder"
            "DE_DE":"Long description of investor"
            "DE_DE":"Seminar \u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df"
            "DE_DE":"Plenary Talk \u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df"
            "DE_DE":"To be determined"
        "DE_DE":"Droidcon 2017 \u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df"
            "DE_DE":"Oberste Division",
            "EN_US":"Top Division"
    "subjectLabels": {},
    "badgeLabels": {},

General values

  • background (optional string): The serving url of the background image

  • banner (optional string): The serving url of the email banner image

  • description (translated text): Description of the organization, usually more verbose than the name.

  • locales (array of strings): The list of locales of the organization. Is guaranteed to contain at least one value. The first entry is the primary locale.

  • logo (optional string): Serving url of the logo (not neccessarily square)

  • mtime (integer): The last modification time of the record

  • name (translated text): The name of the organization

  • orgId (identifier): Identifier of the organization

  • photo (optional string): The serving URL of the photo, a square image.

  • splashscreen (optional string): Serving URL of the modbile splash screen image.

  • timezone (string): Olsen name of the timezone of the organization. User agents should use this timezone to display dates and times unless they have a user-defined timezone.

Participant category

The participant category of a user is internally stored as an alphanumeric ascii string. The user agent should display it using the following category data:

  • categoryLabels (object): Map category to translated text for the full-length labels

  • categoryShortLabels (object): Map category to translated text for the shortened labels

Lecture format

The lecture format (e.g. plenary talk, workshop, ...) is internally stored as an alphanumeric ascii string. The user agent should display it using the following lecture format data:


The keywords are answers to onboarding questions for the user profile. They are internally stored as alphanumeric ascii strings. The user agent should display them using the following keyword data:

  • keywordColors (object): Map keyword to HTML5 color code (as strings)

  • keywordLabels (object): Map keyword to translated text

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Partners (corporate attendees) have an optional sponsor and an optional vendor key, internally stored as alphanumeric strings. The user agent should display them using the following data:

  • sponsorLabels (object): Map sponsor to translated text

  • sponsorOrder (array of strings): The sort order of the sponsors

  • vendorLabels (object): Map vendor to translated text

  • vendorOrder (array of strings): The sort order of the vendors


Each lecture has a topic field, containing a (possibly empty) array of alphanumeric strings. User agents should render the topics using the following data:

  • topicLabels (object): Map topics to translated text

Session Classification Tags

Each lecture has a tags field, containing an array of alphanumeric strings for filtering purposes. User agents should render the tags using the following data:

  • tagLabels (object): Map lecture tags to translated text

Speaker Assigned Tags

These are analogous to the tagLabels but for speaker tags.

  • badgeLabels (object): Map speaker tags to translated text

These are analogous to the tagLabels but for sponsor & exhibitors

  • subjectLabels (object): map the sponsor&exhibitor tags to translated text

Last updated

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