
Speakers are a subset of the participants. Each lecture has assigned a (possibly empty) list of speakers identified by their speaker ID (profileId).

Speaker Data

    "firstName":"Speaker \u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df",
    "isPublished": true,

  • category (optional string): Participant category of the speaker

  • companyName (translated text): Company name of the speaker profile

  • customData (custom data): Extension data for custom form fields

  • domain (string): Domain name to look up company logo, or empty string.

  • extId (string): External ID that can be carried through your ticketing system, for example. This value is not used by talque and only for external reference.

  • facebook (string): Relative url of the facebook profile, or empty string. Needs to be prefixed with https://www.facebook.com/ to form a complete URL.

  • firstName (string): First (given) name of the speaker

  • isParticipant (bool): Always true for speakers

  • isPhony (bool): Whether an email address is on file (false), or just a placeholder profile (true)

  • isRegistered (bool): Whether the speaker has registered on talque

  • isSpeaker (bool): Always true for speakers

  • jobTitle (translated text): Job title

  • keywords (array of strings): The keywords selected during onboarding

  • lastName (string): The last (family) name of the speaker

  • linkedin (string): Relative url of the linkedin profile. Needs to be prefixed with https://linkedin.com/ to form a complete URL

  • location (translated text): Human-readable location

  • mtime (integer): last modification time of the record

  • photo (optional string): Serving URL of the small square photo

  • photoMedium: (optional string): Serving URL of the large and not neccessarily square photo

  • profileId (identifier): The speaker identifier

  • seeking (array of strings): The onboarding keywords that the speaker is looking for.

  • topics (array of strings): The speaker profile topics

  • twitter (string): Relative url of the twitter profile. Needs to be prefixed with https://twitter.com/ to form a complete URL

  • website (string): Website URL, or empty string.

Last updated