
Lectures are the individual timed events in an organization (i.e. Sessions on the agenda)

Lecture Data

                    "DE_DE":"Mein Untertitel",
                    "EN_US":"Very Punny"
        "DE_DE":"Sehr *Abstrakt*",
        "EN_US":"Very *abstract*"
        "DE_DE":"<div class=\"msg_div\">\n<p class=\"msg_p\">Sehr <strong class=\"msg_strong\">Abstrakt<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>",
        "EN_US":"<div class=\"msg_div\">\n<p class=\"msg_p\">Very <strong class=\"msg_strong\">abstract<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>"
    "isPublic": true,
    "isPublished": true,
        "DE_DE":"Workshop Titel",
        "EN_US":"Workshop title"
    "partCollection": {
        "adminDeck": null,
        "customData": {
          "data": []
        "deck": {
            "fileId": "3lKgbfKXaO4x3CFus5md",
            "fileType": "BINARY",
            "mimeType": "PDF",
            "name": "slide-deck-for-publication.pdf",
            "size": 96170,
            "url": "https://event.talque.com:80/api/v1/file/org/AXkXpGsPRCYot59BKKNQ/file/3lKgbfKXaO4x3CFus5md",
        "files": [],
        "parts": []
    "video": {
        "videoType": "VIMEO",
        "url": "https://vimeo.com/344517194",
        "size": {
            "width": 640,
            "height": 480
        "vimeoId": "344517194",
        "thumbnail": "https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/794021636.webp"
    "vendors": [

General Data

  • backgroundImage (optional string): Serving URL of the background image

  • customData (object): Extension data for custom fields

  • description (translated text): Abstract of the lecture

  • descriptionHtml (translated text): Injection-safe HTML code of the description. Only non-empty when markdown processing for the description is explicitly turned on.

  • lectureId (identifier): Unique identifier for the lecture

  • format (optional string): Lecture format

  • isHighlight (boolean): Whether the lecture is marked as a highlight lecture

  • mtime (integer): Last modification time of the record

  • name (translated text): Title of the lecture

  • partCollection (object): Files (slide deck and misc files) and data about sub-sessions if there are any.

  • roomId (optional string): Room identifier. The room with this id is where the lecture takes place.

  • tags (array of strings): Tags of the lecture (for filtering the schedule)

  • topics (array of strings): The topics of the lecture

Time and duration

  • period(object): The time interval of the lecture. Contains the following keys:

    • duration (number): The duration in minutes

    • end (integer): UTC timestamp of the start of the lecture

    • isTimed (boolean): Always true for lecture

    • periodType (string): Always "TIME" for lecture

    • start (integer): UTC timestamp of the start of the lecture


Each speaker has a unique identifier, see the Speaker section for more details.

  • speakers (array of strings): List of speaker identifiers. This includes e.g. presenters.

  • speakerRole (object): Map speaker identifiers to special roles as strings. Currently, the only available role is MODERATOR for the presenter of a lecture.


Usually, a single language is assigned to the lecture. However, it can contain multiple values e.g. if there is translation provided.

  • languages (array of strings): List of languages that the lecture is available at.

  • languageOther (translated text): Label to use if "other language" is listed under languages.

Available language codes are a subset of ISO 639-3 together with OTHER. Currently supported are:

  • OTHER: Free text field

  • RUS: Russian

  • DEU: German

  • FRA: French

  • ENG: English

  • TUR: Turkish

  • ITA: Italian

  • SPA: Spanish

  • UKR: Ukrainian

  • POL: Polish

  • NLD: Dutch

It should be clarified that the languages supported here are independent of the overall content languagues for the event (Locales and Text) as individual lectures can be held in a wider range of languages. Support for additional languages can be added upon request if needed.


The video field is only returned with authenticated API requests. The video.url sub-field is a iframe-embeddable video player for the lecture video stream.

Associated partners (Sponsors & Exhibitors)

The vendors field contains a list of vendor identifiers that are associated to this lecture. Currently this will always return at most one id, but in the future we will allow multiple associated partners.

Last updated

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